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Research Guides

Library Policies

Accessing Reserve Materials

“Reserves” are located at the far end of the Circulation counter, to the left of the Library entrance. A binder listing all materials on reserve is kept at the Reserve counter. Items on reserve are listed by professor, title, author, call number, and course ID. Patrons may borrow one reserve item at a time.

You can also see a list of all items on reserve for a particular class by going to the Drew Library Catalog and clicking on “Browse” and then “Course reserves” at the top of the page. The same link is available directly here. A list of courses with items currently on reserve will appear. Library staff will retrieve requested Reserve materials and will assist patrons in identifying reserve items.

Library books on reserve may go out overnight, with certain restrictions, but all other items must be used in the Library. Patrons may check out Drew Library books on reserve for overnight use up to two hours before Circulation Services end. The book will be due back to the Reserve desk within two hours after the Library opens the following day.

How is this Related to Moodle?

Drew University Moodle is the learning management system through which University faculty may provide electronic course materials for their students’ use; the K: drive may also be used for this purpose. Neither Moodle nor the K: drive is related to Library Reserves, except that all these tools enable faculty members to share selected resources with all members of a particular class.

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