The Drew University Library has a limited number of private study carrels. The following policies and procedures are designed to administer assigned carrels as equitably as possible.
Effective Date: August 26, 2024
Changes effective August 26, 2024 are being adopted on a trial basis for one year.
General Information and Eligibility:
Carrels are assigned as available at the beginning of each semester on a first-come-first-serve basis, to eligible Caspersen and Theological School students pursuing PhD, DLitt, and DMH degrees.
After October 1st each year, remaining available Baldwin carrels may be assigned to other Caspersen and Theological School students pursuing graduate degrees:
The assigned term for carrels is dependent upon academic status:
Drew staff or faculty members (even if they are also students) are not eligible for carrel assignments. A minimum of four carrels will be available for use by all students as Day Carrels. Baldwin Carrels will be used for this purpose; unassigned E-Level Closet Carrels may also be used as Day Carrels.
When there is a waiting list for carrels, anyone who is not fully utilizing their carrel will be contacted to assess if they are truly in need of a carrel. If not, they may be asked to vacate their carrel. Assignees with low usage may be asked to vacate for other eligible candidates.
Assignments are for individual use. Carrels may be used only by the assignee. Carrels are not designed to be offices or conference rooms and are not to be used as such.
Remove recyclables and trash from your carrel space daily and place in designated receptacles. Maintain reasonable cleanliness. Keep your desk area clean. Cleaning wipes are available.
$75.00 will be charged if the key to a Closet Carrel is lost to cover the cost of re-keying the lock.The replacement charge for a lost or damaged Baldwin Carrel drawer key is $25.00 (or $15.00 per person for shared carrel keys). A $50.00 lamp replacement fee will be assessed if the Library owned lamp provided in each E-Level Closet carrel is removed by the assignee. Other fees may be assessed if a carrel is damaged by an assignee beyond normal wear and tear; such fees will be determined by the Facilities Department.
A carrel not vacated within 2 weeks of written notification will be cleared of all materials; items not picked up after 30 days will be donated to charity. A $25.00 fee will be assessed to any assignee who does not completely clear a carrel when his/her assignment ends (whether the assignee voluntarily leaves or whether the assignment is withdrawn).
Standard equipment is a chair, a built-in work surface, and a file cabinet.
Noisy, hazardous or otherwise inappropriate equipment is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
Extension cords may not be used but surge protectors may be used.
Circulating Library materials must be checked out at the Circulation Desk before being placed in carrels.
Periodicals, reference materials, and other non-circulating materials may not be kept in carrels.
Any items not checked out and any periodical, reference, or non-circulating items found in a carrel or locker will be removed and re-shelved.
Notification of the infraction will be given to the assignee. A fine of $2.00 per item will be placed on the assignee’s Library account.
Please keep the library neat. Library users must clean up after themselves: dispose of trash in appropriate containers at the front doors or remove it from the building as you leave.
Applications are required. Eligibility will be confirmed by Library staff before assignments are made.
Eating, smoking, telephoning, and conversing are prohibited.
Food and food storage containers may not be kept in lockers or carrels.
Cell phones must be set to ‘vibrate;’ laptops should be muted.
Library personnel will not take telephone messages for assignees or refer visitors to carrels.
Carrels are only to be used to house research materials, not to store personal belongings.
Library personnel may enter without notice to retrieve recalls, to check on maintenance and cleaning, or to verify that the assignee is in compliance with carrel policies and procedures. Facilities personnel may also enter without prior notice in the performance of their duties.
To comply with New Jersey State Fire Code; N.J.S.A. 52:27D, all door windows must remain totally uncovered at all times. No signs or other materials may be placed on the outside doors of carrels or on the outer walls of Baldwin Carrels.
Keys may not be copied or lent to other persons.
The Library is not responsible for property or for damage to anything placed in carrels. Possessions are the sole responsibility of the owner.
Security problems and safety concerns are to be reported promptly to Library staff.
The Library reserves the right to revoke an assignment if a carrel is determined to have been underused or improperly used. Failure to comply with or violation of these policies and procedures will result in the loss of the carrel assignment.
A carrel no longer needed for Library-based research is to be relinquished even if the assigned term has not expired.
If there are three separate incidences of unchecked-out item(s) or non-circulating material(s) such as reference books or periodicals found in an assignee’s carrel, the assignee will be evicted immediately. The assignee will not be able to re-apply for a carrel or locker.
Students may appeal any decision affecting their carrel assignment. Appeals are first directed to the Carrel Coordinator, then to the Head of Access Services, then to the University Library Director. The University Library Director will consult the Dean of the student’s school as needed.
Appeals from Drew staff or faculty regarding their ineligibility for carrel and locker assignments should be made to the University Library Director.
Questions about carrel policies and procedures should be directed to the Carrel Coordinator.
*The Library reserves the right to add additional student academic groups to appropriate categories if the University adds new doctoral or masters-level programs requiring dissertations or theses.
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