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Research Guides

Library Policies

Policy Statement

Proxy borrowing privileges at the Drew University Library are available to:

  • Drew University faculty members
  • Senior Administration officials
  • Registered borrowers from the college community who are unable to use library facilities due to a disability.
  • Drew University faculty members may designate a current Drew staff member, student, or a faculty member as a proxy borrower.
  • Registered community members (alumni, residents, resident-clergy, etc.) with disabilities may designate a current Drew faculty member, student, or staff member or another registered community member as a proxy borrower.


Proxy borrowing is both a service of convenience for faculty and administration researchers, and an aid to accessibility for borrowers who are unable to use library facilities due to a disability. This policy and associated procedures define terms, conditions, and expectations for participants in the program.


Drew University faculty members, Senior Administration officials, registered borrowers from the college community (students, faculty, staff) who are unable to use library facilities due to a disability. and registered community members (alumni, residents, resident-clergy, etc.) who are unable to use library facilities due to a disability.


Proxy Borrowing is the granting of permission to another individual (the proxy) to check out library materials to the account of the primary borrower.


A Proxy Borrowing Application must be completed and signed by both parties. It must be presented to a Library Circulation Supervisor and approved before proxy borrowing privileges are granted. A link to the Proxy Borrowing Application form can be found below.

Faculty members, senior administration officials, and registered community borrowers with disabilities may have up to two proxy borrowers at the same time.

Both parties—the faculty member, senior administration official, or community member and their designated proxy(ies)–must have accounts in good standing. Good standing is defined as having no overdue items, late recalled items, claims returned books, lost books, overdue interlibrary loan materials, or fines.

The faculty member, senior administration official, or registered community borrowers with a disability assumes full responsibility for all materials checked out by the proxy to their account, including the payment of overdue fines, recall fines, lost book charges, etc.

For faculty members and senior administration officials, the proxy borrower may check out circulating books and films and pick up interlibrary loan materials. For registered community borrowers with disabilities, the proxy borrower may check out circulating books.

Consequences of Violating this Policy

Violations of the proxy borrowing policy may result in loss of privileges.

Related Information

This policy also allows for borrowing to Drew patrons with mobility or visual impairments in providing equitable access for persons with disabilities to library facilities and services as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, applicable state and local statutes and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The ADA is the Civil Rights law affecting more Americans than any other. It was created to eliminate discrimination in many areas, including access to private and public services, employment, transportation and communication. Most libraries are covered by the ADA’s Title I (Employment), Title II (Government Programs and Services) and Title III (Public Accommodations). Most libraries are also obligated under Section 504 and some have responsibilities under Section 508 and other laws as well. (See


The following Office/Administrator can address questions regarding this Policy:

Office of the University Library Director, Elizabeth Leonard, (973)-408-3322,

Questions? Need Help? Email

Drew University Library,