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Research Guides

Library Policies

Policy Statement

The Drew Library and Archives maintain a social media presence to inform constituencies about and promote our events, services, and resources, as well as to engage in larger conversations regarding libraries and scholarship. Library faculty and staff are expected to follow the same standards while using social media as they do in their face-to-face interactions and other forms of communication with our constituencies. Even more so in our online dialogues, we must recognize that even individually-driven conversations are potentially public for the world to see how we treat and connect with others.


This policy and associated procedures inform library users of their responsibilities when managing or contributing to the library’s social media presence.


Social media users acting on behalf of the Library, including faculty and staff.


We must obey all standards set forth by the University, and we must show respect for others, just as we do in other forms of communication. More information about the specific social media platforms and their purposes and uses can be found in the History section below. Any person posting to Drew Library social media accounts must read and adhere to this policy as well as the purpose statements for the channels listed in the "Drew University Library on Social Media" section below.

Account Administration

  • Social media users acting on behalf of the university must adhere to applicable Drew University policies and procedures.
  • At least two Library employees should be listed as Account Administrators.
  • Drew employees identified as administrators of accounts are held responsible for managing and monitoring content of their officially recognized accounts
  • Administrators are responsible for removing content that may be in violation of university policies.
  • Others may post on behalf of the Library, with the permission of the Account Administrator.
  • Only use official Drew logos as recognized by the Communications Department.
  • For the sake of consistency, please refer to the university as “Drew University,” “Drew” or “DrewU”, and refrain from other abbreviations.


  • If you are unsure whether or not a post or repost is appropriate, check with the University Library Director.
  • Remember, you are posting on behalf of the library.
  • Use good judgment about content: respect privacy laws, FERPA and Drew’s Human Rights Policy.
  • Be aware of your audience and only share information that is appropriate for the public.
  • Do not include privileged or confidential information about the university, its employees, or its students. Be aware that Circulation records and certain Reference transactions are confidential.
  • Photos:
    • Ask permission before posting any identifiable images of people.
    • Pictures taken at public events may be expected.
    • You may not post any content that is threatening, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights (including copyright) or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal.
  • When using or posting online material that includes direct or paraphrased quotes, thoughts, ideas, photos, or videos, always include citations and/or provide a link to the original material, if applicable.
  • Representation of your personal opinions as being endorsed by the university or any of its organizations is strictly prohibited.
  • Posts that may touch on controversial or sensitive subjects or endorse products, causes, or politics, unless previously endorsed by the University, should be discussed with the Account Administrators and Associate Dean of Libraries. This includes liking, retweeting, or sharing other posts.
  • Sponsored posts are prohibited, unless approved by the Associate Dean of Libraries.
  • Avoid online confrontations and conflicts. Feel free to respectfully disagree with a position but please do not attack the person as it reflects poorly on both the individual and Drew.
  • Be balanced and informative, not inflammatory.
  • Evaluate the accuracy and truth of your posting before making it public.
  • Don’t forget your day job. Respect the University’s time.

Consequences of Violating this Policy

Non-compliance with this policy and associated procedures may result in damage to the reputation of the library and university. Violations of copyright laws may result in civil and criminal prosecution.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties.

Related Information


The following Office/Administrator can address questions regarding this Policy:

Office of the University Library Director, Elizabeth Leonard, (973)-408-3322,

Drew University Library on Social Media

Questions? Need Help? Email

Drew University Library,