The Drew Library and Archives maintain a social media presence to inform constituencies about and promote our events, services, and resources, as well as to engage in larger conversations regarding libraries and scholarship. Library faculty and staff are expected to follow the same standards while using social media as they do in their face-to-face interactions and other forms of communication with our constituencies. Even more so in our online dialogues, we must recognize that even individually-driven conversations are potentially public for the world to see how we treat and connect with others.
This policy and associated procedures inform library users of their responsibilities when managing or contributing to the library’s social media presence.
Social media users acting on behalf of the Library, including faculty and staff.
We must obey all standards set forth by the University, and we must show respect for others, just as we do in other forms of communication. More information about the specific social media platforms and their purposes and uses can be found in the History section below. Any person posting to Drew Library social media accounts must read and adhere to this policy as well as the purpose statements for the channels listed in the "Drew University Library on Social Media" section below.
Non-compliance with this policy and associated procedures may result in damage to the reputation of the library and university. Violations of copyright laws may result in civil and criminal prosecution.
Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties.
The following Office/Administrator can address questions regarding this Policy:
Office of the University Library Director, Elizabeth Leonard, (973)-408-3322,
Questions? Need Help? Email
Drew University Library,