Most items in the Library are available for circulation. Books are shelved in stacks which are open to the public. A circulating CD-ROM, audio CD, DVD and record collection is located on level C. Some theses and dissertations can be borrowed. Most United States and New Jersey government documents also circulate. Reference books and periodicals do not circulate. Maps and location charts are posted throughout the building to help you locate these materials.
Your Drew University ID card serves as your library card. Drew alumni may register with an alumni card, issued by the alumni office. Resident borrower cards are available for purchase by New Jersey residents over eighteen; ask at the Circulation Desk for details. Report loss of a card to a Circulation Staff supervisor immediately as you are held responsible for any materials checked out in your name.
For all students, books are due on January 1, June 1, and September 1. For University staff, alumni, and residents, the borrowing period is 30 days. Faculty members have longer borrowing periods for books. University students, faculty, and staff may view their library holdings, due dates, and holds through “My Library Account”.
A book is assumed lost when it is 35 days overdue, and a replacement fee of $100.00 is automatically assessed. A large portion of this $100.00 lost book charge may be reduced if the book is returned. Residents and alumni are charged an overdue fine of 10 cents a day.
Books may be renewed by University students and faculty, unless requested by another borrower or needed for Reserves. Materials may be renewed online or with a renewal form. Staff may renew books online up to four times. Alumni in good standing may renew a book one time by calling a Circulation Supervisor. Resident and similar classes of borrowers do not have renewal privileges.
Books listed as “Checked Out” in the online catalog may be recalled if the borrower has had the book for at least 20 days. A search may be requested for books listed in the catalog as “Stacks” which cannot be located. Ask at the Circulation Counter for assistance. Alumni and resident borrowers do not have recall or search privileges.
Please see Borrower Privileges below for more information on qualifications and borrowing privileges.
Drew alumni are welcome to borrow books for use outside the library at no charge, in addition to using our databases and other resources on-site. If you wish to borrow books:
A barcode will be affixed to alumni card. The alumni card serves as your library card. Borrowing privileges are granted for one year and are renewable if your account is in good standing without overdue books, or other issues.
Borrowing Privileges and Loan Periods
Alumni may borrow up to 20 items at a time for a loan period of 30 days. If an alumni contacts the Circulation Desk, via email or telephone prior to an item’s due date, it may be renewed one time if there are no unresolved overdue books or other account issues.
Interlibrary Loan and recall privileges are not granted. Most off-site database access is not granted; to see what databases may be accessed off site by alumni, go to
Items that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s account (unless it is determined that the replacement cost for the item exceeds $100.00-$90 Replacement fee/$10 Processing fee. If alumni produces a replacement copy with the approval of library staff, the will be a $10 replacement fee.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees are paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date. However, items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to replacement charges, and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Auditing and Certification Program students must present a current Drew ID card at the Circulation Desk to be registered as a library user.
Borrowing privileges and loan period
Auditors and Certification Program participants may borrow up to 10 items at a time for a loan period of 30 days. No renewals, off-site database access, InterLibrary loan, or recall privileges are granted.
Auditors and Certification Program participants are subject to overdue fines of 10 cents a day and the maximum overdue fine is $10.00 per item. Items that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s account (unless it is determined that the replacement cost for the item exceeds $100.00.) Once returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount unless the Library has already purchased a replacement copy.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost all library privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to fines, replacement charges, and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall for another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled book needs to be replaced before it is returned, or is not returned and is considered lost, a minimum $100.00 replacement charge will additionally be assessed
A current Drew ID card must be presented to check out library materials. Borrowers are responsible for all items charged on their accounts.
Reference and periodical items do not circulate.
Total items a borrower may charge and loan periods
Graduate students may borrow a maximum of 200 books. Due dates are January 1, June 1, and August 15.
Graduate students have unlimited renewals, provided an item has not been recalled. There are two renewal options. We recommend using the "My Library Account" feature in the library's online catalog. Students may also bring items to the Circulation Desk. We do not offer renewals over the telephone. We consider an item's renewal as confirmation that the item is in the borrower's possession.
Overdue and fine notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. The library does not charge graduate students daily overdue fees. However, items overdue for 35 days are automatically assumed to be lost and a per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s library account. Replacement fee is $100.00 per book, unless replacement charges exceed $100.00 per book. Assumed lost items must be brought to the Circulation Desk for discharging. Once an assumed lost item is returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount. If the library has purchased a replacement copy, the $100.00 minimum fee is not reduced. Library fines are transferred to Student Accounts three times per year.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library borrowing and recall privileges are suspended until the book has been returned or the replacement fee paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged out to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original check-out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. Recall notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. All patrons are subject to recall fines and replacement charges if a recalled item is not returned by the specified recall due date. Recall and borrowing privileges are suspended if a recalled item is not returned promptly.
Recalling an item
You may place a hold/recall on a checked-out or on-order item while in the library catalog.
Hold requests may also be submitted by completing a recall card at the Circulation Desk.
You will be notified via Drew email when the item has been returned and is on hold for you.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall placed by another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled item is not returned promptly and the library needs to purchase a new copy, an additional replacement fee of $100.00 or more will be charged.
A current Drew ID card must be presented to check out library materials. Borrowers are responsible for all items charged on their accounts.
Reference and periodical items do not circulate.
Total items a borrower may charge and loan periods
CLA students may borrow a maximum of 50 books for the semester, due dates are January 1, June 1 and August 15.
Students have unlimited renewals, provided an item is not being recalled. There are two renewal options. We recommend using the "My Library Account" feature in the library's online catalog. Students may also bring items to the Circulation Desk. No do not offer renewals over the telephone. We consider an item's renewal as confirmation that the item is in the borrower's possession.
Overdue and fine notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. The library does not charge CLA students daily overdue fees. However, items overdue for 35 days are automatically assumed to be lost and a per item replacement charge is placed against the borrower’s account. Replacement fee is $100.00 per book, unless replacement charges exceed $100.00 per book. Assumed lost items must be brought to the Circulation Desk for discharging. Once an assumed lost book is returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount. If the library has purchased a replacement copy, however, the $100.00 minimum fee is not reduced. Library fines are transferred to Student Accounts three times per year.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library borrowing and recall privileges are suspended until the book has been returned or the replacement fee has been paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original check-out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. Recall notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. All patrons are subject to recall fines and replacement charges if a recalled item is not returned by the specified recall due date. Recall and borrowing privileges are suspended if a recalled item is not returned promptly.
Recalling an item
You may place a hold/recall on a checked-out or on-order item while in the library catalog.
Hold requests may also be submitted by completing a recall card at the Circulation Desk.
You will be notified via Drew email when the item has been returned and is on hold for you.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall placed by a patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled item is not returned promptly and the library needs to purchase a new copy, an additional replacement fee of $100.00 or more will be charged.
B.A. Honor Thesis Candidates
Thesis candidates have the same borrowing privileges as other CLA students but may apply for a locker in October.
Members of the greater Drew University community are welcome to use our databases and most other resources in the University Library on-site during full service hours. Circulating materials from the Library's depository collection of U.S., N.J., and U.N. documents may be borrowed by the public at large.
The following information is provided for those wishing to borrow materials.
Borrowing privileges and loan periods
Community residents and clergy members who have purchased privileges may borrow up to 10 items at a time for a loan period of 30 days. No renewal, Inter-Library Loan, off-site database access, or recall privileges are granted.
Charge for a Community Resident or Clergy Borrower Card
New Jersey residents may purchase a borrowing card, valid for one year, for $75.00. The charge for members of the clergy who reside in New Jersey is $25.00. We accept checks but not cash or credit cards. If a New Jersey resident or clergy member is in good standing, their Drew Library card may be renewed for the same fee.
Community residents and clergy members are subject to overdue fines of 10 cents a day and the maximum overdue fine per item is $10.00. Items that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s account (unless it is determined that the replacement cost for the item exceeds $100.00.) Once returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount unless the Library has already purchased a replacement copy.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees are paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to fines, replacement charges, and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall for another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled book is replaced before it is returned, or is not returned and is considered lost, a minimum $100.00 replacement charge will additionally be assessed.
Emeriti faculty are granted the same borrowing privileges as current Drew faculty and may continue to use their Drew Faculty/Staff ID Card as their library borrowing card and their Drew email address for contacts. Emeriti faculty must provide the Library's Circulation Department with post-retirement changes in contact information including addresses and telephone numbers.
Total items a borrower may charge and loan periods
Emeriti faculty may borrow a maximum of 200 books, due February 14th each year. Reference and periodical items do not circulate.
Emeriti Faculty have unlimited renewals, provided an item has not been recalled. There are a number of renewal options but, if you regularly borrow, we encourage you to ensure that you retain access to the "My Library Account" feature in the library's online catalog so that you can renew your books online. Contact the Circulation Supervisor, Renewals, for guidance regarding this service interface. You may also bring items to the Circulation Desk or email the Circulation Supervisor, Renewals, regarding your renewal request. We do not offer telephone renewals. We consider an item's renewal as confirmation that the item is in the borrower's possession.
Overdue and fine notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy phone calls and emails may be made. The library does not charge faculty members daily overdue fees. However, items overdue for 35 days are automatically assumed to be lost and a per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower's library account. Replacement fee is $100.00 per item, unless replacement charges exceed $100.00 per book. Assumed lost items must be brought to the Circulation Desk for discharging. Once an assumed lost item is returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount. If the library has purchased a replacement copy, the $100.00 fee is not reduced.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library borrowing and recall privileges are suspended until all assumed lost book is returned or the replacement fee paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original check-out date; items needed for Reserves may be recalled at any time. Recall notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. All patrons are subject to recall fines and replacement charges if the recalled item is not returned by the specified recall date. Recall privileges are suspended if a recalled item is not returned promptly.
Recalling an item
Hold/recall requests may be submitted by completing a recall card at the Circulation Counter. You will be notified via Drew email when the item has been returned and is on hold for you.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall placed by another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled item is not returned promptly and the library needs to purchase a new copy, an additional replacement fee of $100.00 or more will be charged.
A current Drew ID card must be presented to check out library materials. Borrowers are responsible for all items charged on their accounts.
Reference and periodical items do not circulate.
Total items a borrower may charge and loan periods
Drew faculty may borrow a maximum of 200 books, due February 14 each year. Drew Staff members may borrow a maximum of 200 books; each book has a borrowing period of 30 days.
Faculty members have unlimited renewals, provided an item has not been recalled. Staff members may renew items up to four times. There are two renewal options for both faculty and staff members. We recommend using the "My Library Account" feature in the library's online catalog. Faculty and staff may also bring items to the Circulation desk. We do not offer renewals over the telephone. We consider an item's renewal as confirmation that the item is in the borrower's possession.
Overdue and fine notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. The library does not charge either faculty or staff members daily overdue fees. However, items overdue for 35 days are automatically assumed to be lost and a per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s library account. Replacement fee is $100.00 per item unless replacement charges exceed $100.00 per book. Assumed lost items must be brought to the Circulation Desk for discharging. Once an assumed lost item is returned, the $100.00 minimum fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount. If the library has purchased a replacement copy, the $100.00 is not reduced.
Suspension of Borrowing and Recall Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library borrowing and recall privileges are suspended until the assumed lost book has been returned or the replacement fee paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original check-out date; items needed for Reserves may be recalled at any time. Recall notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. All patrons, including faculty and staff members, are subject to recall fines and replacement charges if a recalled item is not returned by teh specified recall date. Recall and borrowing privileges are suspended if a recalled item is not returned promptly.
Recalling an item
You may place a hold/recall on a checked-out or on-order item while in the library catalog.
Hold requests may also be submitted by completing a recall card at the Circulation Desk.
You will be notified via Drew email when the item has been returned and is on hold for you.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall placed by another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled item is not returned promptly and the library needs to purchase a new copy, an additional replacement fee of $100.00 or more will be charged.
A spouse or child (aged 12 or older) of a Drew faculty or staff member may borrow library materials.
The spouse of a Drew University faculty or staff member who would like to borrow books should obtain an ID card issued by Drew University. Then, obtain a "Family Member Registration" form from the Circulation department in the library.
Drew faculty and staff members should pick up the form for children over age 12 for whom they would like borrowing privileges. The Drew faculty or staff member related to the spouse or child must then sign the registration form, agreeing to pay for any fines or lost item. Once the Drew faculty or staff member has signed the form, the spouse or child may present the completed form to Circulation to register and obtain a library card.
Borrowing privileges and loan periods
Borrowing privileges are for one year and are renewable if the family member's account is free of fines, outstanding books, or other account issues
Participants in these programs may borrow up to 10 items at a time for a loan period of 30 days. No renewals, recall, InterLibrary Loan, or off-site database access privileges are granted
Family members are subject to overdue fines of 10 cents a day and the maximum overdue fine per item is $10.00. IItems that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s account (unless it is determined that the replacement cost for the item exceeds $100.00.) Once returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount unless the Library has already purchased a replacement copy.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees are paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to fines, replacement charges, and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall for another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00.If a recalled book is replaced before it is returned, or is not returned and is considered lost, a minimum $100.00 replacement charge will additionally be assessed.
Members of the greater Drew University community are welcome to use our databases and most other resources in the University Library on-site during full service hours. Participants in those Summer Programs that have signed an agreement with the library that guarantees compensation will be paid to the library by the program for non-returned items, fines, and similar fees, may additionally borrow library books.
Borrowing privileges and loan periods
Participants in approved programs may borrow up to 10 items at a time for a loan period of up to 30 days (but no later than the end of the Summer Program.) Renewals, off-site database access, recalls, and InterLibrary Loan privileges are not granted. All books must be returned before the program has ended.
Summer Program participants are subject to overdue fines of 10 cents a day and the maximum overdue fine per item is $10.00. Items that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s account (unless it is determined that the replacement cost for the item exceeds $100.00.) Once returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount unless the Library has already purchased a replacement copy.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees are paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date, items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to fines, replacement charges, and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall for another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled book is replaced before it is returned, or is not returned and is considered lost, a minimum $100.00 replacement charge will additionally be assessed.
A current Drew ID card must be presented to check out library materials. Borrowers are responsible for all items charged on their accounts. Reference and periodical items do not circulate.
Total items a borrower may charge and loan periods
Theological School students may borrow up to 200 items. Due dates for all students are January 1, June 1 and August 15.
Theological School students have unlimited renewals, provided an item has not been recalled. There are two renewal options. We recommend using the “My Library Account” feature in the library’s online catalog. Students may also bring items to the Circulation Desk. We do not offer renewals over the telephone. We consider an item’s renewal as confirmation that the item is in the borrower’s possession.
Overdue and fine notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. The library does not charge students daily overdue fees. However, items overdue for 35 days are automatically assumed to be lost and a per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s library account. Replacement fee is $100.00 per item, unless replacement charges exceed $100.00 per book. Assumed lost items must be brought to the Circulation Desk for discharging. Once an assumed lost item is returned, the $100.00 minimum fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount. If the library has purchased a replacement copy, the $100.00 fee is not reduced. Library fines are transferred to Student Accounts three times per year.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library borrowing and recall privileges are suspended until the assumed lost book has been returned or the replacement fee paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original check-out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. Recall notices are sent to Drew University email accounts. Follow-up courtesy calls and emails may be made. All patrons are subject to recall fines and replacement charges if a recalled item is not returned by the specified recall date. Recall and borrowing privileges are suspended if a recalled item is not returned promptly.
Recalling an item
You may place a hold/recall on a checked-out or on-order item while in the library catalog.
Hold requests may also be submitted by completing a recall card at the Circulation Desk.
You will be notified via Drew email when the item has been returned and is on hold for you.
Fines for Failure to Return a Recalled Item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall placed by another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled item is not returned promptly and the library needs to purchase a new copy, an additional replacement fee of $100.00 or more will be charged.
Trustees may obtain a borrowing card at the Circulation Desk.
Total items a borrower may charge and loan periods
Trustees may borrow a maximum of 60 books, due on February 14th each year. Reference and periodical items do not circulate.
Trustees may renew an item up to four times, provided the item has not been recalled. You may be able to renew your books through "My Library Account" feature in the library's online catalog. Books may also be renewed by bringing the items to the Circulation Desk or by contacting the Circulation Supervisor, Renewals, via email. Sorry, but we do not offer telephone renewals.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material checked out to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original check-out out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. Recall and borrowing privileges are suspended if a recalled item is not returned promptly.
The VALE (Virtual Academic Library Environment of NJ) Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement is a co-operative onsite borrowing agreement among participating New Jersey VALE member colleges and universities. Under the agreement, faculty and students from participating institutions who are in good standing at their home library qualify for onsite borrowing privileges at each other's libraries. A list of participating institutions–and to whom a participating library may grant privileges--may be found at:
Information for Drew faculty, staff, and students applying for a borrowing card at a participating VALE library
To apply for on-site borrowing privileges at a participating VALE library, obtain a signed application form from the Drew University Library's Circulation Department. The Head of Circulation is the designated contact. It is recommended that you call 973-408-3486 and ask to speak with the Head of Circulation or another Circulation Supervisor before coming to the Drew Library for a form to ensure that your account is in good standing and, if in good standing, that you are among those persons who may receive privileges at another library (not all libraries grant privileges to undergraduate students, for example).
A Drew faculty member, staff or student requesting a VALE borrowing application must have been in good standing with the Drew University Library for six months. Good standing is defined as having no overdue items, overdue recalls, overdue Inter-Library Loan items, outstanding fines, claims returned, or assumed lost books. Applicants who have not been in good standing for six months will not receive signed applications. Each Drew faculty, staff, or student who receives a signed VALE borrowing application is responsible for complying with the lending library's circulation policies including loan periods, overdue and other fines, recalls, replacement and processing fees, etc. Drew faculty, staff, and students granted VALE privileges at a participating library must return borrowed items directly to the lending library.
If applying for privileges at more than one library, fill out an individual form for each library from whom you are requesting borrowing privileges. Drew will retain a copy of the application form(s).
Present the approved application form and a photo ID at the participating library's circulation desk where you will be issued a borrowing card that allows you to check out circulating books and, possibly, other materials. Privileges are for up to one calendar year and expire June 30th each year.
Information for VALE faculty, staff, and graduate students applying for a borrowing card at the Drew University Library
VALE faculty, staff, and students must present a signed VALE application form from their home library along with a photo ID to the Drew Library Circulation Desk. Additional information, including the assigned barcode number is written on the VALE registration form. The expiration date is June 30th for all applicants. Vale borrowers may check out a maximum of 10 books for a borrowing period of 30 days. No renewal, InterLibrary Loan, off-site database access, or recall privileges are granted.
Vale borrowers who have not complied with the Drew University Library’s borrowing policies will not be granted Vale borrowing privileges in the future. Overdue books, lost books, unpaid fines, etc., constitute non-compliance.
VALE borrowers are subject to overdue fines of 10 cents a day and the maximum overdue fine per item is $10.00. Items that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the borrower’s account (unless it is determined that the replacement cost for the item exceeds $100.00.) Once returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount unless the Library has already purchased a replacement copy.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, library privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees are paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to fines, replacement charges, and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall for another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserve recall is $45.00. If a recalled book is replaced before it is returned, or is not returned and is considered lost, a minimum $100.00 replacement charge will additionally be assessed
The Drew University Library’s mission is, in part, to facilitate access to scholarly collections and information resources.
To further this goal, the Drew University Library may grant Visiting Scholar status to a limited number of members of the greater academic community who are visiting Drew for a short period of time to conduct intensive, on-site research and for whom our collections support his/her research as follows:
Application forms are available online and at the Circulation desk. Completed applications must be accompanied by an explanatory letter that demonstrates how access to Drew’s collections support the applicant’s research. Doctoral students must also submit a letter of introduction, on letterhead, from their home institution.
The University Library Director will review submitted applications and determine whether or not the applicant meets these criteria.
Visiting Scholar privileges are granted for a specific period of time, up to a maximum of one year. A Scholar may apply for an extension by submitting a written request to the University Librarian before his/her privilege expires.
Borrowing Privileges
Visiting Scholars may borrow up to 60 books at a time for a loan period of 30 days. Recalls, InterLibrary Loan, and off-site database access privileges are not granted.
Scholars may renew an item up to four times, provided the item has not been recalled. To do so, contact the Circulation Supervisor, Renewals, or bring the item to the Circulation Desk prior to the item’s due date. Renewals by telephone are not offered.
Visiting Scholars are subject to fines and replacement charges, like our other library patrons. The Library does not charge Scholars daily overdue fees but items that are overdue for 35 days are assumed to be lost and a $100.00 per item replacement charge is placed on the Scholar’s library account (unless it is determined that the replacement fee for the item exceeds $100.00). Once returned, the $100.00 fee per item is reduced to a lesser amount unless the library has already purchased a replacement copy.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
When an item becomes assumed lost, borrowing and renewal privileges are automatically suspended until all assumed lost books have been returned and/or all replacement fees are paid.
Recalled Items
Recalls are requests by Drew faculty, staff, students, or Reserves for material charged to another borrower. Items are subject to recall 20 days after the original charge out date; items needed for Reserve may be recalled at any time. If a recalled item is not returned promptly, a patron is subject to fines, replacement charges, and the suspension of all library privileges.
Fines for failure to return a recalled item
Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a recall for another patron is $20.00. Maximum overdue recall fine for failure to return a Reserves recall is $45.00. If a recalled book is replaced before it is returned, or is not returned and is considered lost, a minimum $100.00 replacement charge will additionally be assessed.
Questions? Need Help? Email
Drew University Library,