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Research Guides

Library Policies

Policy Statement

The Thomas H. Kean Reading Room and Gallery (“the Kean Room”), housed within the Main Library of Drew University, is a quiet study room where Drew students may pursue scholarship and knowledge.


The Thomas H. Kean Reading Room and Gallery (“the Kean Room”), housed within the Main Library of Drew University, is a quiet study room where Drew students may pursue scholarship and knowledge. The Library affirms its commitment to this primary purpose and to maintaining the Kean Room as a space for individual student study. During the fall and spring semesters, the Library reserves the right to limit use of the Kean Room to its primary purpose. The Kean Room may be used at the discretion of the Office of the President and the Board of Trustees during these semesters, provided such use does not conflict with reading day/exam periods.


All members of the Drew University community.

Procedures and FAQs

Below are the guidelines for use of the Kean Room:

  • Requests for use of the Kean Room must be approved four weeks in advance to determine that such use will not intrude upon or negatively impact the needs of those coming to study in the Kean Room.
  • Events in the Kean Room may only be scheduled during the library’s open hours. For the most current hours, visit the library webpage.
  • All occupants must come and go through the main library doors. The Kean Room doors are not to be used because they are not an accessible route and they circumvent the library security gates. Opening them poses a risk to valuable library materials and building occupants.
  • Requesters must agree to the above terms before permission to use the space is granted. Any deviation from the above terms must be agreed to in writing before use of the space is approved.
  • To schedule use of the Kean Room visit Drew's space reservation site at mazévo.

FAQs for Use of the Kean Room in Drew University’s Main Library

  • There are 64 seats in the Kean Room
  • There are no in-room controls on audiovisual equipment in the Kean Room, including the overhead projectors and screen. Requesting unit must contact the Media Resource Center (MRC) to set up needed A/V equipment on the day before an event starts and to turn all A/V equipment both on and off before, during, and after event days.
  • There are a limited number of floor boxes in which to plug devices and equipment although a number of tables are wired for laptop use.
  • Arrangements to use room and podium mics are made by the requesting unit through MRC. The room mics are wireless but MRC has to set them up in advance of the event; MRC also handles wiring of a podium mic.
  • Arrangements to use a podium are made by the requesting unit through Drew Auxiliary Services.

Consequences of Violating this Policy

Failure to follow procedures for use of the Kean Room may lead to loss of privileges and/or assessment of fees or charges for damage.


The following Office/Administrator can address questions regarding this Policy:

  • Office of the University Library Director, Elizabeth Leonard, (973)-408-3322,

Contact the Media Resource Center at

Office of Auxiliary Services work orders may be emailed to or requested via telephone: (973) 408-3103.

Requests and questions about scheduling an event in the Kean room will be handled by the Circulation Dept: (973) 408-3486 or

Questions? Need Help? Email

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