This page presents information and resources on the history of Methodism in Zimbabwe. The cover image is taken from a Methodist Library resource. A timeline describes the major events in the development of Methodism in Zimbabwe. Key terms and people link to research resources, and the books listed at the bottom of the page can be found in the Methodist Library.
1891: Owen Watkins and Isaac Shimmin arrive at Fort Salisbury, marking the beginning of Methodist missions in Zimbabwe.
1895: George Weavind conducts the first Synod in Mashonaland, establishing missions in Matabeleland and Mashonaland.
1897: The Methodist Church is formally dedicated to Hilltop United Methodist Church (Sakubva).
1916-1918: Revivals occur at Mutambara Mission and Old Mutare.
1956: Bishop Ralph E. Dodge becomes an American Missionary Bishop.
1980: Rhodesia gains independence and becomes known as Zimbabwe.
1997: The United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe celebrates 100 years.
2014: The Ebenezer Convention, a major gathering to celebrate 117 years of Methodism in Zimbabwe.
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