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African Methodism


This page presents information and resources on the history of Methodism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The cover image is taken from a Methodist Library resource. A timeline describes the major events in the development of Methodism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Key terms and people link to research resources, and the books listed at the bottom of the page can be found in the Methodist Library.


A simple sketch of Africa with a marking to note a

Cover image from of Lambuth, Walter Russell. The Call of Africa. Nashville: Board of Missions, M. E. Church, South, Foreign Department of Woman’s Work, 1913. The Methodist Library Pamphlet Collection.


1912: Walter Russell Lambuth and John Wesley Gilbert arriving  on behalf of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South to Central Congo.

1914: Bishop Lambuth officially inaugurated the First Methodist Mission in the Central Congo on February 12.

1914: In March the first school began.

1939: The reunification of The Methodist Church on May 10 when The Methodist Episcopal Church South and The Methodist Protestant Church came back together to form The Methodist Church.

1960: Country gained Independence and became known as The Republic Of Congo from Belgian Congo.

1971: President Mobutu changed the country name from Congo to Zaire.

1997: President Kabila changed the name of the country from Zaire to Democratic Republic of Congo.

Key Terms and People

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