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Research Guides

African Methodism


This page presents information and resources on the history of Methodism in Sierra Leone. The cover image is taken from a Methodist Library resource. A timeline describes the major events in the development of Methodism in Sierra Leone. Key terms and people link to research resources, and the books listed at the bottom of the page can be found in the Methodist Library.


A map Sierra Leone, featuring places with United Brethren missions.

Image from J. S. Mills, W. R. Funk, and S. S. Hough. Our Foreign Missionary Enterprise. United Brethren Mission Study Course. Dayton, OH: United Brethren Publishing House, 1908, between pgs. 42 and 43. The Methodist Library.


1792: The missionary work of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Sierra Leone started.

1811: In November the first Methodist Missionaries landed in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

1855: The United Methodist Church in Sierra Leone started as United Brethren in Christ.

1967: The church became autonomous.

1973: The church received its first indigenous resident bishop, the Dr. Benjamin A. Carew.

Key Terms and People

Hyperlinked text opens a relevant search in ScholarSearch.

  • Daniel K. Flickinger (Missionary, 1856-1927)
  • George Warren (British Methodist Missionary, ?-1812)
  • Amanda L.H. Billheimer (Missionary, 1834-1925)
  • Oliver Hadley (Missionary, 1837-1869)
  • Mahala Hadley (Missionary, 1838-1929)


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