This page presents information and resources on the history of Methodism in Zambia. The cover image is taken from a Methodist Library resource. A timeline describes the major events in the development of Methodism in Zambia. Key terms and people link to research resources, and the books listed at the bottom of the page can be found in the Methodist Library.
1885: The Primitive Methodist Church in Central Africa begins.
1894: Henry Buckenham and Primitive Methodist missionaries reached Lozi territory in Northern Rhodesia.
1901: Walter Hogg started as the first Primitive Methodist missionary in the Valley Tonga.
1913: Pioneer Mission in Northern Rhodesia begins.
1931: General Missionary Conference held at Kabwe.
1964: Zambia gains independence.
1965: Methodists, Presbyterians, and other evangelical Christians joined as the United Church of Zambia with the Methodist Colin M. Morris as its first President.
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