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Research Guides

African Methodism


This page presents information and resources on the history of Methodism in Nigeria. The cover image is taken from a Methodist Library resource. A timeline describes the major events in the development of Methodism in Nigeria. Key terms and people link to research resources, and the books listed at the bottom of the page can be found in the Methodist Library.


Map of Nigeria. Caption reads:

Image from Ward, W. J. In and Around the Oron Country, or, The Story of Primitive Methodism in S. Nigeria. London: W. A. Hammond, Holborn Hall, 1910. The Methodist Library.


1842: Methodist Missionary Society arrived in Nigeria on September 24.

1852: A Treaty to abolish the slave trade was signed and permitted missionaries to work.

1937: Wives of pioneer missionaries started the first women's revival.

1952: Full participation of African women when Tebe Kassala Worom was appointed the first woman president.

1960: Nigeria became an independent nation on October 1.

1962: First Conference of the Methodist Church Nigeria became autonomous.

1972: The Schism (The Constitutional Violation)

1992: Nigeria became a full conference called the Nigeria Annual Conference and the first bishop was D.P. Dabale.

Key Terms and People

Hyperlinked text opens a relevant search in ScholarSearch.

  • Muri (Colonial name)
  • Tebe Kasala Worom (First Woman appointed as president of Women's Organization)
  • D.B. Dabale (First Bishop of Nigeria Annual Conference, 1849-2006)
  • Thomas Birch Freeman (Methodist Missionary, 1809-1890)
  • John Beecroft (Political Agent of The British Government, 1790-1854)


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