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Research Guides

United Nations Documents

Guide to Drew University's United Nations Materials.

A Note from Your Librarian

Drew has an excellent collection of United Nations materials, dating back to the UN's founding in 1946. Records of the General Assembly, the Security Council, Committee Records, and assorted annual publications (yearbooks, indexes, economic reports) can be found online  and in Level A (moving shelves) of the University Library.  And, as always, the librarians are happy to answer any questions you may have about the collection.

General Overview of Materials at Drew

here are four main types of UN documents:

  1. Periodicals
  2. Sales Publications
  3. Official Records
  4. Masthead or working documents

The Drew UN Collection contains:

  1. Several UN periodicals are incorporated into the main periodical collection. Search the catalog for specific titles. Several periodicals are also available online via UN bodies or organizations.
  2. Various sales publications. Recent sales publications are found in the main book collection. Older  publications are shelved on C-Level in the UN collection.
  3. Official Records. Official Records volumes are listed in the catalog. Official Records are shelved on C-Level in the UN collection, in document symbol order.
    • General Assembly 1946 - 2007  GA/OR - current and older documents are also available online from ODS and UNBISnet.
    • Social and Economic Council 1946 - 2007 ECOSOC/OR - current and older documents are also available online from ODS and UNBISnet.
    • Security Council 1946 – 2002 SC/OR
    • Trusteeship Council 1947-1995 TC/OR
    • Trade and Development Board 1965-1991 TD/OR
  4. Working documents are available online from 1993 onward from ODS and UNBISnet.
  5. Additionally, there are relevant reference books in the Reference collection in the main floor of the library devoted to United Nations issues:  Ref 341.23

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Quick Links

When looking for United Nations Documents, two excellent places to start your search are the UN's Online Collection and the UN Digital Library.

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