The Drew library has access to over 350,000 ebooks! All of them, including the ebooks in the major collections below and ebooks in other databases, are available for free to Drew students, faculty and staff 24/7. They may be found by searching the Library catalog, searching ScholarSearch, or by accessing our individual ebook collections directly. All methods will be explained below.
All the ebooks that are available in the Library may be found by searching the catalog.
On the catalog page, use the format type drop down to select "Books", and the location dropdown to select "Online"
The result will be up to 350,000 ebook titles that are available through the library. You may search by title, author, subject, etc. The catalog entry will contain a "View Details" link, which will take you to the one of the ebook collections or platforms where you can access the title.
The library subscribes to major ebook collections, including Ebook Central, ACLS Humanities Ebook Collection, Sage Knowledge, Springer e-books, DeGruyter University Presses, Oxford Scholarship Online. and Ebsco E-books. See tabs on this LibGuide for tips on using these platforms to access books. In addition, many of our other library databases contain ebooks. Find them easily by limiting your search of these databases to books. Keep in mind all of the books in these collections are also accessible through the catalog.
Our licensing agreements with the various vendors determine the number of simultaneous users that are allowed with each e-book. Many of our individual e-book titles have limits of either 1 or 3 simultaneous users. Printing restrictions also will vary from vendor to vendor and in some cases even from e-book to e-book depending on our licensing agreements. Most of the e-books will have a restriction on how many pages you can print or email. The page limit will most likely be posted on the screen.
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