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Library Guides

Ebooks: User access

This guide describes the many ebook resources available through the University Library and how to access them.

How many users can access the book?

Each EBook platform or each individual book may have different access restrictions. 

Some are limited to one or three users at a time, while others have no limits on the number of users who can access the book simultaneously. 

These platforms always have  unlimited users for every title:

  • Sage Knowledge
  • Springer
  • Taylor and Francis
  • GALE
  • DeGruyter

For these platforms, each book has a different license: 

  • ProQuest Ebook Central : Each book record will indicate the number of "copies" or allowable users 



  • Ebsco Ebooks: Most of these are limited to one user.  If you would like to request an upgrade to unlimited  users, please email 


How can I request unlimited users on a book?

If you are not sure how many users can access a book simultaneously, or if you would like to upgrade a title to unlimited, please send an email to:

with the title and platform of the book. 

Questions? Need Help? Email

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