ACLS Humanities E-Book (HEB) is an online collection of around 5,400 books of high quality in the humanities. Using any web browser, faculty, students, staff and library patrons can view and search the HEB collection. Drew's access to HEB includes unlimited, simultaneous multi-user access from any Internet-connected location.
These titles are offered by the American Council of Learned Societies in collaboration with thirty-one learned societies, over 120 contributing publishers, and the Michigan Publishing division at the University of Michigan Library. The goals of this collaboration are to assist scholars in the electronic publication of high-quality works in the humanities, to explore the intellectual possibilities of new media, and to help assure the continued viability of scholarship in today’s changing publishing environment. The result is an online, fully searchable collection of high-quality books in the humanities, recommended and reviewed by scholars.
Since most material on this site is licensed for online electronic distribution only, this means that users are restricted to printing a chapter or chapters for personal research use. If, as an instructor, you want to use material in a course, you can provide the Citable Link permanent URL on the title record page. If you want to photocopy a chapter for your course, you must apply directly to the original publisher or copyright holder for permission. If in doubt, or for further information, see our section on fair use.
To download a chapter, go to the chapter/section headings listed under the “Table of Contents” tab. The “Read” button will take you into the e-reader; clicking on the “Download” button generates a PDF of the chapter.
Do not distribute the download link — HEB titles can be accessed by subscribers in a variety of ways, which impacts the URL generated.
A chapter may be downloaded or printed at a time. This is generally sufficient for following a citation or extracting a quotation and follows HEB’s policy for fair-use rights and limitations.
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