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Research Guides

Alumni: Resources for Drew Alumni

Resources for Drew Alumni

This Guide lists research and information resources the Library staff would like to recommend to our alumni. Please contact the Research Help Desk at the Library for further assistance (phone:973-408-3588; email: ).



Drew Subscriptions Available through Your account

Under Drew's agreements with database vendors, this list of databases are remotely available to alumni using your email account and password.* 

If you do not still have access to a email address and would like to remotely access these databases, please contact

*Note: almost all of our subscription databases are available for use on a walk-in basis on-campus. 

ATLA for Alumni

ATLA:  The license agreement with providers of the American Theological Library Association  (ATLA) database requires that alumni use a special username and password to access this resource. To obtain these login credentials, please chat with the Library, or contact the Library Reference Department at email: or our Theological Librarian, Dr. Jesse Mann at email:

Once you have that password, you may access ATLA for alumni online.


Drew Alumni who live in New Jersey will want to check out the wide variety of databases provided for New Jersey library users by the New Jersey State Library.

Access to these databases will require entering your local public library card barcode.



Library Reference Desk at email: or phone: 973-408-3588

Alumni Borrowing Privileges

Drew Alumni are eligible for free annual borrowing privileges at the library but they must first obtain an Alumni Card from the office of Alumni Services. After obtaining an Alumni Card, they should then register with Drew Library, where they may check out up to 20 items at one time for a 30-day, non-renewable loan period.  Alumni have limited access to E-resources, while interlibrary loan and recall options are not available.  Alumni borrowers are subject to replacement fees for any lost items.

Questions? Need Help? Email

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