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Research Guides

Media at the Drew Library: Kanopy Streaming Video

Drew Library makes video and audio available in several formats, for use by students, faculty and staff. This Guide explains the options.

NOTE: Kanopy offers previews on a few selected titles only

Please do not request Kanopy films to preview them*. If you request a film from Kanopy,  the Library assumes that it is required for class use and it will be licensed for a year,  at a cost of $120-150.  

If you would like to preview a Kanopy film, please use the Madison Public Library site.  Instructions for obtaining a Madison Public Library card are below. 


*Select Kanopy films now allow previews.  Check desired film in the kanopy site. 

NEW website for Kanopy Spring 2022

Visit this site:

to learn about the changes Kanopy is making to their website, including: 

  • Improved searching and browsing 
  • New "continue watching" shelf
  • PPR indicator 
  • Live transicript tool 

Kanopy Streaming Video

Kanopy makes available over 30,00 titles, mostly documentaries.  Some Kanopy films come with public performance rights. 

PPR icon appears near the top of the details page for films that can be shown at free public events.

Access Kanopy through the Library's website - Research resources - Resources by Title A-Z.

Any film that Drew has already licensed through Kanopy will be accessible through the Library catalog, or by searching the Kanopy site. 

If you are off-campus,YOU MUST BE SIGNED INTO THE DREW NETWORK TO VIEW FILMS.   It is NOT necessary to create a Kanopy account in order to view films, unless you are viewing on a mobile device or TV app,

Tips for searching in Kanopy 

Note that when searching Kanopy., films already licensed by Drew will appear first in the results. Keep scrolling to see other results. 

You may create a Kanopy account in order to  manage your personal profile details, watchlist, recently watched films, comments, and more. 

Create Clips and Playlists

Sharing clips and Playlists 

For additional information on using Kanopy,  see the help information for viewers.

Kanopy available at Madison Public Library

The Madison Public Library offers Kanopy access to library card holders. All Drew faculty, staff and students are eligible to obtain a Madison public library card. 

To obtain a Madison Public Library card,


Undergraduate and Graduate Students

  • Please stop in to the Madison Public Library or email Corinne Bowen ( or with a scan of your Drew ID and a copy of your current class schedule. A student library card is valid for one year and may be renewed upon proof of continuing enrollment. 


  • Please stop in to the Madison Public Library or email Corinne Bowen ( or with a scan of your Drew ID and proof of employment. Courtesy cards are valid for one year and are renewed upon proof of continuing employment.

To access their Kanopy site, go here

Requesting a film

ALL Kanopy films must be requested.  If you would like to request a film that is not already licensed,  click on it and you will see a "request for access" button 


Complete the form which appears, and the Library will respond to your request.  Films required as part of class assignments will be approved.*  IF YOU ARE A FACULTY MEMBER AND NEED A FILM FOR A CLASS,  PLEASE PROVIDE AT LEAST 72 HOURS NOTICE. 

*The Library may contact you if the film is available on another streaming service.  

How to complete the Kanopy request form

Drew faculty and students will have immediate access to all films the library has already licensed in the past year. When you find  a title we have not licensed, you will need to fill out a request form. The librarian will receive the form and approve or reject your request: we will prioritize curricular and course-related content. If your request is approved we will pay to license the video for one year. 

What to include in the form:



The form will ask for your name, email address, course number and role (Faculty, student, etc) 

In the box labelled "what will this title be used for"  please include the following information:

  • The class in which you will be using this title
  • The date on which students will need to view the film - if the request is approved we will try to make it available 3 to 5 days before it is needed

The Library will do its  best to respond to requests within three working days. 

This is the public Kanopy site which lists all titles available through Kanopy. Search or browse for a title here and when you find one you would like to view, complete the request form when prompted.

Questions? Need Help? Email

Drew University Library,