Running a basic search on ScholarSearch is simple! You can do this by using the ScholarSearch search box on the Library's homepage, a ScholarSearch search box on a research guide, or ScholarSearch itself.
Conducting an Advanced Search allows you to fine-tune your results to better fit your needs by entering multiple search terms. You can access the Advanced Search box by clicking "Advanced Search" near any ScholarSearch Basic Search box.
Are you curious about what a particular publication has to say about your topic? Follow the steps here to search within that specific publication and find the exact results you're looking for!
Begin by navigating to the basic search box and type in the name of the publication you wish to locate.
On the results screen, you should find an exact match Publication Placard for the publication you searched for. By using the search box inside this Publication Placard, you can research your topic within this publication.
After searching within the publication, you will be presented with a results screen. This results screen works just like every other ScholarSearch results screen aside from the fact that all of the items presented come from the same publication. You can still apply filters and limiters to adjust the results to fit your needs, as well as access full text, request, view details, save, share, and cite results.
All of the information presented here will work when using ScholarSearch and other EBSCO databases. Wildcards and truncation can also be used in non-EBSCO databases, but the symbols may differ. To find more information about advanced searching techniques for the database you're using, look for a "Help" button or try doing a Google search for "[database name] wildcards" to find a guide. If you get stuck, please reach out to a librarian for help!
Truncation and wildcard guides for some of the most common databases are linked in this section.
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