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Research Guides

Using ScholarSearch

Reference this guide to learn how to use ScholarSearch, Drew University Library's discovery service.

My Dashboard

The Dashboard, available in the column on the left side of ScholarSearch, is where you will find your Projects, Saved items, Searches, and items you've Viewed. When signed into ScholarSearch with your MyEBSCO, items in your Dashboard are saved and can be accessed whenever you are signed in. In addition, items bookmarked in your Dashboard are also available from the Saved tab of the EBSCO Mobile app when signed into the app with your MyEBSCO Account. If you are not signed in to MyEBSCO, items in your Dashboard are not saved beyond your current session. To learn how to (quickly and easily) set up a MyEBSCO account, visit the "Create an Account" page of this guide!

ScholarSearch Dashboard

  • Overview
    • To see your most recently created projects, bookmarked (saved) articles, searches, and items you have viewed, visit the Overview page.
  • Projects 
    • Projects enable you to collect and organize the items you find in ScholarSearch, such as articles and eBooks.
    • For example, if you were working on multiple research projects, you could create a Project for each one to store articles on your different topics. In addition, you could assign each Project a Due Date to help prioritize your work.
  • Saved
    • Click Saved to view all of your bookmarked materials, as well as your saved searches.
    • From the Saved items view, you can remove bookmarks, add them to a Project, share links to your items, or download .csv files of your bookmarked items' detailed information.
    • When viewing Saved searches, any saved search that has been set up as an alert is noted with the Alert indicator.
  • Searches
    • Click Searches to view your Search history and Search alerts you have set up. Click a search term to re-run the search.
    • Searches with a blue bookmark icon have been saved and are also available from the Saved view.
  • ​​​​​​​Viewed
    • Click Viewed to see a list of items you previously viewed. Click the title to return to the details of the item.
  • Holds & Checkouts
    • This page displays all of the materials you currently have checked out or placed on hold.
    • You can renew materials, view due dates, and view fees owed.
    • If you have an eBook checked out, you can download or read it online here.
  • Journal Alerts
    • Here you can view all of the journals you have set up an alert for so you will be notified when new issues or articles are added.

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