Welcome to Drew Library's Course Guide for MKTG 205 Intro to Marketing. We've put together some useful resources for you to use while completing this course.
Be sure to investigate the Welcome to the Library! Guide for a quick overview of the what the Library has to offer. (And how to find and use those resources!)
If you have any trouble finding information, please contact the Library -- we're happy to help!
These online library materials may be of interest:
Bourke, Jane, et al. SURVEY & QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN : Collecting Primary Data to Answer Research Questions. NuBooks, 2016. EBSCOhost,
"Carrying Out the Survey." An Introduction to Survey Research, Ernest L. Cowles, and Edward Nelson, Business Expert Press, 2nd edition, 2019. Credo Reference.
DUNN, HEIDI EDWARDS. “Creating a Solid Marketing Plan.” Business NH Magazine, vol. 40, no. 7, July 2023, pp. 52–53. EBSCOhost,
McDonald, Malcolm. Marketing Plans : How to Prepare Them, How to Profit from Them, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central.
McDonald, Malcolm, and Institute of Marketing. Marketing Plans : How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Videos on Marketing Plans, including
"What is a Marketing Plan." , directed by Anonymous , Business Professor, 2021. Alexander Street, [STREAMING VIDEO]
"Elements of a Marketing Plan." , directed by Anonymous , Business Professor, 2021. Alexander Street. [STREAMING VIDEO]
"Marketing Plan: Goals and Objectives Section." , directed by Anonymous , Business Professor, 2021. Alexander Street. [STREAMING VIDEO]
Questions? Need Help? Email reference@drew.edu
Drew University Library, https://drew.edu/academic/student-resources/library/