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Research Guides

Library Services for Faculty


Below please find the Top Ten FAQs for Faculty. We have also included helpful links to popular Library resources and information. Questions? Please contact


  1. What’s the best way to find out what resources and services the library provides to me and my students?
    Contact Reference at email: to make an appointment with a Reference Librarian.
  2. How many books may I take out?

Faculty may borrow 200 items with unlimited renewals.  Due Date is February 14th each year.  All items are subject to recall at any time for Reserves and after 30 days for another user.   For more information on policies, including fines, refer to our Circulation User Guide.

  1. How do I put something on Reserve for my classes?

Detailed information on reserve policies and procedures.  To see what’s currently available on Reservego to the library catalogReserve Contact Information:  Access Services, telephone 973-408-3486, email

  1. May I request that the Library purchase specific titles Drew doesn’t own?
    If you wish to recommend books to be acquired by the Library, use the online form or contact the Library via email.  For more information, please refer to the Library’s Collection Development Policies and Procedures.
  1. How do I find journals?
    Drew users may check if we have access to a title by searching the Journal List. You may also use Browzine to find journals by title or subject, track favorite journals and save articles.
  1. What about journals we don’t have?
    Due to budgetary restraints and the ongoing commitment required for journal subscriptions, it may not be possible to acquire new journals without canceling other subscriptions. Refer to the Library’s Collection Development Policies and Procedures document for more information. 
  1. What resources and databases do we have?
    To enable you and your students to do better research, the library subscribes to databases in all major areas of study at Drew, found at To find resources within specific disciplines, go to Reference librarians are also happy to show you what’s new.  
    1. Faculty are eligible through the Library for access to ScienceDirect (Elsevier) content on a pay-per-use basis. Learn more at our Guide to Science Direct for Faculty and Staff.
    2. Drew cardholders are also eligible for subscriptions to the NYTimes through the Library's site license(s). Please contact the Library for assistance, if needed.
  2. How can I get material from other libraries?
    Use our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.  Place ILL requests or by clicking "Request interlibrary loan" next to an item of interest in Drew's databases.  ILL is generally free. Drew Faculty can also get borrowing privileges at other VALE NJ Academic libraries:
  3. I want to be sure my students can do the research I expect.  Can the Library help?
    • To ensure student success on assignments you give, it is a good idea to make certain in advance that the needed information and resources are available at the Drew Library. Librarians will be glad to help you with this and with assignment planning in general.  We also offer a list of ‘term-paper alternatives’.
    • Librarians are happy to support students as they tackle research for their class assignments and projects-- it's best to encourage them to make an appointment by emailing the Library at
  4. How does the Library get in touch with me?
    All library information and notices are sent to your Drew email address.  Using your Drew network username and password, you can view your holdings, renew your books, see your recall requests, and see any fines online through the Drew Library Catalog, and click on your initials or the Account link in the upper right hand corner.

Drew Library FAQ's

When LIBRARY CHAT is offline, search our FAQ's below for information.

Questions? Need Help? Email

Drew University Library,