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SciFinder-n: registering and using this resource

Information designed to help searchers use SciFinder effectively.

Video tutorials for SciFinder-n

This linked webinar (28:40) offers excellent information about using SciFinder-n. 

 To access the webinar, click on the screen below. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.

Timestamps and topics are provided below:

Time stamps for SciFinder webinar (28:40)
Time stamp Topic
2:25 Search filters: general info
2:45 Using the "concepts" filter
6:45 Using the search bar to modify your search
7:10 Using the search history feature
8:30 Important search concepts for SciFinder
11:42 Using SciFinder filters
13:39 Using the "concepts" filter effectively
15:50 Searching within results
18:20 PatentPak- general info
20:16 Working with search results, e.g. saving as a PDF, exporting citations, creating an excel spreadsheet
23:15 Sharing results via email
24:00 Saving results and setting alerts
25:20 Combining answer sets
27:10 Advanced searching in "References"

Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your reference searching in SciFinder-n with powerful features such as AutoSuggest for key words and queries, and relevance ranking in answer sets. You may filter result sets by Best, Good, and Fair ranking; the most-relevant results display at the top of the References result page. To access a video demo on these features, click on the screen below. A new window with the video will open in the CAS website. 

Citation Maps in SciFinder-n include backward and forward citations for a reference search result. The Citation Map has built-in, color-coded relevance ranking and filtering by document type, author, and concept. You also have the ability to view Reference Details, including those for citations within a Citation Map reference. To access a demo of this feature, click on the image below. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.


Learn how you can increase your search bandwidth in SciFinder-n , and perform non-linear searches by opening multiple tabs without losing your original query. Click on the image below to access a demo of this feature. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.


Learn how uploading a structure drawn in CAS Draw simultaneously performs an exact search, substructure search, and similarity search (similarity results are based on the Tanimoto algorithm) in SciFinder-n. For substructure results, you have the ability to filter out coordination compounds and metallocenes, as well as filter by other means. To access a demo on this feature, please click the image below. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.


Training materials from CAS

Chem Abstracts Service offers excellent traning materials for more advanced SciFinder searching. Please go HERE for the most up-to-date resources.

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