This linked webinar (28:40) offers excellent information about using SciFinder-n.
To access the webinar, click on the screen below. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.
Timestamps and topics are provided below:
Time stamp | Topic |
2:25 | Search filters: general info |
2:45 | Using the "concepts" filter |
6:45 | Using the search bar to modify your search |
7:10 | Using the search history feature |
8:30 | Important search concepts for SciFinder |
11:42 | Using SciFinder filters |
13:39 | Using the "concepts" filter effectively |
15:50 | Searching within results |
18:20 | PatentPak- general info |
20:16 | Working with search results, e.g. saving as a PDF, exporting citations, creating an excel spreadsheet |
23:15 | Sharing results via email |
24:00 | Saving results and setting alerts |
25:20 | Combining answer sets |
27:10 | Advanced searching in "References" |
Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your reference searching in SciFinder-n with powerful features such as AutoSuggest for key words and queries, and relevance ranking in answer sets. You may filter result sets by Best, Good, and Fair ranking; the most-relevant results display at the top of the References result page. To access a video demo on these features, click on the screen below. A new window with the video will open in the CAS website.
Citation Maps in SciFinder-n include backward and forward citations for a reference search result. The Citation Map has built-in, color-coded relevance ranking and filtering by document type, author, and concept. You also have the ability to view Reference Details, including those for citations within a Citation Map reference. To access a demo of this feature, click on the image below. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.
Learn how uploading a structure drawn in CAS Draw simultaneously performs an exact search, substructure search, and similarity search (similarity results are based on the Tanimoto algorithm) in SciFinder-n. For substructure results, you have the ability to filter out coordination compounds and metallocenes, as well as filter by other means. To access a demo on this feature, please click the image below. A new window will open with the video in the CAS website.
Chem Abstracts Service offers excellent traning materials for more advanced SciFinder searching. Please go HERE for the most up-to-date resources.
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