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Research Guides


Diagram of Locate Basic Interface

screenshot of the new Drew Library catalog, with numbers identifying key elements.

  1. Select the main facet you are searching here. Defaults as keyword, which finds your search term anywhere in the record.
  2. Enter your search terms in this box.
  3. This area is where the results for your search are displayed.
  4. You may choose how the results are sorted here. Other options are Title, Author, and Date, either ascending or descending.
  5. You may use these options (facets) to refine the search results to selected kinds of materials, locations, subjects, etc. Format is used to limit to the type of item, such as book or streaming video. If you are looking for ebooks, go to the "Location" tab and choose "Online."
  6. The advanced search allows you to combine several search terms with Boolean (AND, OR, NOT) operations. 
  7. My bookshelf is where you can save search results for future use.
  8. Browse allows you to either see the books in call number order (the way they are arranged on the shelf) and also to see course reserves.
  9. Use the PLACE A HOLD button to put a book on hold for you to pick up later.
  10. View Details allows you to see more information about a book, such as call number (which allows you to find it on the shelf.)

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