While most of the films required for viewing in this course are available through paid streaming services (such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, Apple TV, and so on), there are some free options available, which you will find in the boxes below. There's not a free version of everything but, in the event that more resources are discovered, they will be added to this list
In some cases the Drew Library has streaming access through one of our subscriptions, and in others a DVD might be available. A guide with more information about accessing Drew's Media collections (as well as how to view physical media if you don't happen to have a player) can be found below.
Additionally, members of the Drew community are eligible for a Madison Public Library card, which provides several streaming and physical media options. Information about obtaining a Madison Public Library card can be found in the guide below.
Kanopy, via the Drew Library
Kanopy, via the Madison Public Library
Streaming, on Academic Video Online via the Drew Library
Multiple copies on DVD or Blu-ray, via the Madison Public Library
DVD, via Drew Library
DVD, via the Drew Library
DVD and Blu-ray, via the Madison Public Library
DVD, Season One, via the Madison Public Library
YouTube (free, with ads)
Kanopy, via the Madison Public Library
DVD, via the Drew Library or the Madison Public Library
Questions? Need Help? Email reference@drew.edu
Drew University Library, http://www.drew.edu/library