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Research Guides

Master Boxes & Guidelines

This LibGuide contains all the frequently used boxes that will be mapped to other guides, as well as guidelines for LibGuide creation and maintenance.
Time Period What to Do
Before the Semester Starts
  • Ensure everything in your guide is in working order
  • Review "Keeping Content Fresh" (see below) and make any necessary changes
  • Review the Publishing Checklist and best practices
After the Semester Ends
  • Set guides to Private or Unpublished as needed
  • Flag guides that need major updates
During the Summer
  • Review guide usage reports
  • Review broken link reports
  • Perform major guide updates
  • Delete assets with zero mapped instances

Keeping Content Fresh

Don't just create guides and then forget about them! At the beginning of each semester, refresh your guides' content and ensure that everything is in working order. We want to give users a reason to come back to our guides often. Adding new content will help! Pay special attention to:

Out of Date Content

  • Is the content still relevant? If not, unpublish or delete the guide.
  • Does the guide focus on an event that has passed? If so, unpublish or delete the guide. 
  • If it's a course guide, is that course being offered this semester? If so, update it to include a tag for the current semester. If not, set it to Private. 
  • Have new discoveries been made in your guide's field that contradict what is currently posted?
  • Have standards or guidelines been updated, such as citation styles?
  • Do any screenshots need to be updated? (Visit *Images, Links, & Other Media* to learn how to batch update screenshots)
  • Do website pathways need to be updated?

New Acquisitions and Weeded Materials

  • Have we gotten any new materials (databases, eBooks, books, videos, etc.) that may be beneficial to your guide?
  • Have we lost access to any of the materials you have linked within your guide?
    • Can they be replaced with anything similar?

Testing, Testing!

  • Ensure that everything in your guide is in working order.
  • Are all embedded videos/media still working? 
    • Sometimes YouTube creators privatize or remove their videos. It's important that we check our guides often enough to catch if this happens. If it does, see if you can replace it with a similar video. Otherwise, delete the asset.
  • Are closed captions/transcripts still available for media?
  • Do all of the links work? Do they go to where they're supposed to or do they redirect someplace else?
    • Link assets can be checked either manually or by using the Link Checker.
    • Links created in a Rich Text Box need to be checked manually.


What is an Asset?

  • An asset is any Link, Document, RSS, Book, Poll, Widget, Remote Script, LibAnswers Widget, or LibWizard Item.
  • Whenever a new asset is created, it will show up on the Assets page.
    • To reach this page, go to "Content", then "Assets". 

Screenshot of Springshare LibApps "Content" dropdown menu with an arrow pointing to "Assets"

  • Even if you delete an asset from every guide it appears on, it will still be visible on this Asset list. To truly delete an asset, it needs to be deleted from the Asset list.
    • To do this, simply click the "X" button in the "Actions" column next to the asset you wish to delete.

Cleaning Up Assets

  • To keep things neat and organized, it's important that we delete all unused assets.
  • To see what assets are unused, enter "0" into the "Mapping Count" search box. 
    • This means that these assets are not currently mapped to any guides
  • To select all of the assets on the page, click the checkbox on the left side of the Header row and then click "Select All On Page" 

  • Depending on how many unused assets there are, it may be useful to scroll to the bottom of the page and change the amount of results shown per page so that you can delete more assets at once. It'll go much quicker if you have 100 items per page rather than only 25!
  • To delete the assets you have selected, click "Delete Selected Assets" at the bottom of the page.

Questions? Need Help? Email

Drew University Library,