Dear readers:
Please join the Library in congratulating Dr. Jesse Mann, Drew's Theological Librarian, on the publication of a critical edition (with English translation and commentary) of Juan de Segovia's Epistola ad Giullielmum de Orliaco. This work appears in a volume entitled Johannes von Segovia, Opera Minora. Editionen mit Übersetzung und Einleitung. Hrsg. von Ulli Roth. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2023, pp. 291-423. The book is vol. 12 in the series Corpus Islamo-Christianum, Series Latina.
Juan de Segovia (d. 1458) was a 15th-century Spanish theologian who was a prominent figure at the Council of Basel (1431-1449). He wrote a monumental history of that council, and he also produced a unique tri-lingual Koran (now lost). Segovia's Epistola is a treatise-length letter of spiritual advice that includes an unusual method for reading the Bible and an interesting method for meditating on the life of Christ.
For more info about Juan de Segovia, please visit this popular resource.
Contributing to this blogpost: Margery Ashmun and Jesse Mann
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Latest comment 2023-03-15T10:28:05-04:00 by Margery Ashmun