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Guide to Drew University's New Jersey Documents Collection

New Jersey Documents at Drew University

Drew University Library is a depository for publications of the State of New Jersey. State documents include annual reports of agencies, reports of special commissions, transcripts of public hearings before Legislative committees, magazines, brochures, statistical compilations, and sometimes full-length books.

Most New Jersey documents are shelved in the New Jersey collection, in compact shelving on A-level in the Learning Center. A small percentage are shelved with the main collection.

Drew Library uses a unique classification system for state documents based on the State Library classification scheme. Each number is prefixed by "NJ" to indicate that the document is shelved in the New Jersey collection. The first number following the "NJ" indicates the type of publication.

90: a report, hearing, or other monograph

901: an annual report

905: a periodical

Following the first number is a letter and 2 or 3 numbers. If the first number is 90, the letter and numbers represent the subject of the publication. If the number is 901 or 905, the letter and numbers represent the key word in the title. The last line of the call number is the date the document was published and any letters following the date serve to differentiate individual publications from others in the same year.

For example, this is an explanation of the call number of the document entitled New Jersey State Rail Plan:

NJ..... document is in the New Jersey collection
90..... document is an individual report
R152.... subject is railroads
1978a... second document on the subject published in 1978.

The few documents that are shelved in the main library collection are given regular Dewey call numbers.

Finding a Document

New Jersey monographs and periodical titles are listed in the Drew Library Catalog.

It is also possible to find reports, hearings or other monographs by subject. A List of Subject categories for documents numbered 90 are shelved at NJ 90 A100. After locating the appropriate subject classification number, go to the shelves and look through the documents in that classification. Since documents are shelved chronologically within the subject classification, it helps to have a general idea of the publication date of the desired document.

General Information Sources

  • NJ 901 L516 - New Jersey Legislative Manual. Annual. A wide-range compilation of information about the state. Includes texts of key documents, legislator's biographies, description of state agencies, election results, population statistics, and historical information.
  • NJ 901 S86.1 - State of New Jersey Official Directory. Lists State agencies, departments, and commissions and names of officials. Published erratically.

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