EBSCO eBooks are online versions of print books that your library has either purchased with a perpetual license or via an annual subscription. eBooks that are owned will be available to the library in perpetuity, with provisions being made for long term access and preservation. eBooks available via subscription are renewed annually for the library to retain access. EBSCO eBooks are available from all major academic publishers in virtually all academic disciplines.
EBSCO eBooks offer a number of advantages over their print counterparts. Users can:
If you’re interested in making a purchase of an eBook for the library collection, contact your subject librarian.
EBSCO’s online eBook viewer supports reading on desktop or laptop computers and tablet devices. Our reader is browser-based, so there’s no need to download special software or hardware; users simply search, click and immediately start reading.
eBooks can be downloaded to your mobile device and read with the free Adobe Digital Editions app.
To learn more, please see: How can I download and read eBooks on my mobile device?
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Questions? Need Help? Email reference@drew.edu
Drew University Library, https://drew.edu/academic/student-resources/library/