It's simple! To search PubMed, simply enter your search topics - one or more terms - without punctuation -- and click Search.
> PubMed's Automatic Term Mapping (ATM) takes your keyword(s) and links them to related subject headings to help retrieve relevant articles. Punctuation (like quotations marks around a phrase) will disable ATM, so leave it out unless you want a specific search.
> Want to see what exactly was searched? Use the Best Match Search Information box to learn what term(s) were added to your search by PubMed.
Other Helpful tips:
PubMed can
1) be searched using MeSH terms, author names, title words, text words or phrases, journal names, or any combination of these.
2) can detect if you typed in an author's name or a journal title, executing the correct type of search.
3) the search box offers an autocomplete function and the spell checker suggests variant spellings with your results.
The Advanced link provides two options to refine a search:
1. Use the PubMed Advanced Search Builder to create a search using AND, OR, or NOT. Apply a specific field to your term using the drop down menu. The Show Index List displays the search field index and the number of citations for each term.
2. History tracks and numbers each of your previous search strategies. Click on “Add to Builder” to add previous searches to your Advanced Search Builder.
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