The Drew Review

The Drew Review is the annual research journal for the undergraduates of Drew University’s College of Liberal Arts. Our mission is to showcase the intellectual vibrancy of CLA students.

Call for Submissions

The Drew Review publishes one edition annually in the spring. While we accept submissions on a rolling basis, we have a deadline of February 1st for those looking to be considered for that year’s edition.

The Drew Review accepts papers in any language and from any discipline. We print in black and white, so any visual material included in a paper should be formatted accordingly.

Submissions must be nominated by a Drew faculty member using this Google Form. The nomination form asks faculty to provide some information about the paper and to upload the paper as a Word document.

Students interested in having a paper considered for publication should contact a faculty member — either from the relevant course or otherwise — to discuss the nomination process.

If you need some help knowing how to suggest a paper to a professor, consider using the following template:

Hi [Professor],

I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to reach out to you about my paper from [class]. I’m hoping to submit it to Drew’s undergraduate research journal, The Drew Review, and wanted to see if you thought it would be suitable for publication. In order to have my paper considered I would need a faculty nomination. Would you be willing to nominate my work? I’ll attach all the relevant links at the end of this email. Thank you so much.


[Student’s Name]

The Drew Review Website:

Faculty Nomination Form:

(Attach the paper that you are suggesting you would like them to nominate)

What to Expect When Your Paper Is Nominated

In striving to showcase the intellectual vibrancy of CLA students, The Drew Review aims to publish papers that are accessible to a broad audience at Drew.

When your paper is nominated, it is anonymized (i.e., your name and other identifying information are removed) and then shared with multiple members of the editorial board for an initial review.

If your paper passes this initial review, it enters a secondary review. During this phase, members of the editorial board provide feedback with the goal of ensuring that the paper is accessible to a broad audience at Drew. Thus, feedback will likely focus on structure, tone, and style. Where appropriate, the feedback may also focus on content and the use of evidence and/or sources.

After this secondary review is complete, you are given a chance to review the feedback and make revisions before resubmitting the paper.

At a certain point during the spring semester, the editorial board meets to make final decisions about publication. If your paper is selected for publication, it will enter the proofreading and copyediting phase. During this final phase, the editorial board may ask you to make some additional minor revisions.

The Drew Review is typically published in early May.

Editorial Board and Faculty Advisors

The Drew Review is a student-run publication, with members of the editorial board spearheading all aspects of soliciting, reviewing, and publishing noteworthy papers written by CLA students.

Members of the Editorial Board, Academic Year 2024-2025:

Sudenaz Yilmaz, Corresponding Editor
Abigail Goldman, Corresponding Editor
Brenna Hezel, Editor
Bella Landino, Editor
Cass Perez, Editor
Breezy Van Patten, Editor
Eva Woolard, Editor
Professor Kimberly Choquette and Professor Jacob Soule serve as faculty advisors.
Faculty and students with questions about The Drew Review can contact Prof. Choquette at and Prof. Soule at


Volume 17: 2024
Volume 16: 2023
Volume 15: 2022
Volume 14: 2021
Volume 13: 2020
Volume 12: 2019
Volume 11: 2018
Volume 10: 2017
Volume 9: 2016
Volume 8: 2015
Volume 7: 2014
Volume 6: 2013
Volume 5: 2012
Volume 4: 2011
Volume 3: 2010
Volume 2: 2009
Volume 1: 2008

Insanity’s Horse

Insanity’s Horse is Drew University’s Art and Literature magazine.

Call for Submissions: Please visit the Insanity’s Horse website


Visions, The Library Newsletter
