The Special Collections and University Archives Department of the University Library is committed to supporting and advancing the educational mission of Drew University. Comprised of a number of distinctive collections, our mission is to acquire, preserve, provide access to, and promote the use of primary and special secondary resources in all formats. All of the material discussed below is free to use by the public, including all Drew students, faculty, and staff.
The holdings in Special Collections are comprised of a number of distinctive collections related to religious study, history, literature, art, art history, popular culture, and other fields. These collections are all accessible at the Methodist Archives building on campus. The collections total more than 100,000 volumes, including manuscripts dating to the 11th Century and printed texts from the 15th Century.
Reference Requests:
Candace Reilly
Methodist Library & Special Collections Associate
Accessing the Material
All Special Collections and University Archives materials can be accessed in the Wilson Reading Room on the main floor of the United Methodist Archives & History Center. For safety and security of the items, the collections are housed in closed stacks that are not accessible to the public. Reading Room Staff members will be able to retrieve any and all requested items for visitors to the Wilson Reading Room. Please see our Reading Room Policies to learn more about this process and how to find specific material. Note that the Reading Room is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
The University Archives preserves and provides access to the historical records of Drew University, including documents, photographs, faculty papers, and student theses. The material is accessible in the Methodist Archives building. The collections in University Archives help tell the story of Drew University, its founding, and its administrative history.
Reference Requests:
Matthew Beland, PhD, MLIS
Accessing the Material
All Special Collections and University Archives materials can be accessed in the Wilson Reading Room on the main floor of the United Methodist Archives & History Center. For safety and security of the items, the collections are housed in closed stacks that are not accessible to the public. Reading Room Staff members will be able to retrieve any and all requested items for visitors to the Wilson Reading Room. Please see our Reading Room Policies to learn more about this process and how to find specific material. Note that the Reading Room is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
List of Collections in the University Archives
(items without a link are unprocessed; contact Matthew Beland)
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