Moodle is the perfect place for students to reach out to Librarians for help with research and library resources. To make this easier, Moodle administrators have made it possible for faculty to assign the role of "Librarian" to their designated subject or course librarian in Moodle. This will help their Librarian to:
The library liaison will not see grades, but with faculty approval they will be able to add Library resources and activities, post forum messages, etc.
Want to give it a try? Please follow the instructions below or see the attached pdf:
If your course is research intensive, it may be useful to create a Library Questions forum where students can post questions about library resources and research. Select the 'auto' or 'forced subscription' option to ensure that all students (including the librarian) receive a copy of the forum questions and answers in their email inbox.
For more information, please contact your subject librarian or submit a UT Help ticket for assistance.
See below for "how to" add a Library Guide directly to Moodle.
Would you like the students to interact directly with the Librarian through Moodle? You may wish to create a Library Discussion Forum. To do so:
Once set up, librarians may answer student questions or post library information and research tips. With your "go ahead," the Librarian may be able to set this up on their own, much depends on their designated role in Moodle.
Under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, content from this LibGuide has been adapted from the "Integrating the Library into Moodle" LibGuide by Jennifer Hamilton at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Questions? Need Help? Email
Drew University Library,