There are a number of different programs that will help you collect, manage and format the citation information for your research resources. The following are free ones the library is currently supporting:
Free online version of classic citation manager software to help manage your bibliographic needs, inlcuding organizing sources and citations by project, sharing citations for group work, and for "citing while you write", i.e. inserting citations into papers while writing.
You'll need to sign up for EndnoteWeb and install the Cite-While-You-Write tool.
Please contact the Library at email with questions or for help.
Zotero is a free citation management program with an online storage component. It can be downloaded from
You'll want to sign up for a account to save your references, and install the helper apps for your browser and Word.
Notes for Drew users:
To use ZoteroBib:
NOTE: Zotero saves your bibliography in the browser on the computer you are using, so make sure you remove old citations before starting a new bibliography-- use the Delete All button. But, if you made a set of citations on one computer and want to access it on another, use the "Link to this Version" in the first computer, and email yourself the link.
Quick summary of options:
Simple bibliography formatter:
Citation Management Software
Scan the information on this page to learn about all of these options.
Questions? Need Help? Email
Drew University Library,