I. Getting started
>> Why use a citation manager? (3:08) View the video below from Univ of York to learn about the benefits of CItation managment.
>> Setting up Endnote Web (aka Basic). (~8:00) Source: Wilkes University Library, Wilkes-Barre, PA
In the this video, the Librarian demonstrates select features of Endnote Web and describes how to set it up for use. Note: plan to use your Drew email and visit the Drew Library website to complete the actions the Librarian describes. When the narrator refers to "Wilkes," as in an email or a Library website, simply exchange "Wilkes" for "Drew."
II. Collecting citations in Endnote Basic
>> Adding citations from EBSCO databases (incl. Scholarsearch). (1:00) Source: Lancaster University Library, UK
In this video, the Librarian demonstrates how to export citations from an EBSCO database. It begins after they have completed their initial search.
>> Capture a reference feature: (1:45) Use this handy feature when searching online or in a database. See the video below from UMD libraries about how to set it up and use it to export references from PubMed.
>>Add a reference to your Endnote Basic Library manually (1:02)
III. Organizing references
>>Share citations with others. (2:00) View the video below for clear instructions on how to share your references with others.
IV. Formatting a bibliography (1:47)
V. Using Cite while you Write to add citations in Microsoft Word (1:41)
>>Using Cite while you Write to insert references. (2:18)
Questions? Need Help? Email reference@drew.edu
Drew University Library, https://drew.edu/academic/student-resources/library/