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Library Guides

Subject Guide: Global Health: Journals

Resources for students exploring issues related to Global Health

Open Access Journals

Top Trending Open Access Journals in Global Health

Zero Fee Gold Open Access Model

Gold Open Access Model (with Article Processing Charge)

Hybrid Open Access Model*

Definitions of Different OA Models

Zero Fee Gold Open Access Model    The journal is open access, and there are no article processing fees for the submitting author.
APC Gold Open Access Model The journal is open access, but authors pay article processing charges (APC) to submit/publish their work.
Hybrid Open Access Model Authors pay publishers to make a single article open access in a closed/subscription journal.


Explore the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to find additional open access journals and articles in global health and similar fields.

Creative Commons License


Some content in this guide is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License attributable to the Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University. Image and Icon Attributions: Icons8, licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0WebFont Medical Icons Project, designed by Hablamos Juntos; Font Awesome 4.7

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