BrowZine is a service that allows you to browse, read and follow scholarly journals in a beautiful visual display.
With BrowZine, you can:
• Browse and read journals: Browse thousands of top journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles.
• Stay Current with My Bookshelf: Create a personal bookshelf of titles to follow and receive new article notifications.
WE NOW HAVE ACCESS TO ALL JSTOR ARCHIVE COLLECTIONS .Full text database of over 1600 journals; generally does not contain most recent materials. Most journals lack the last several years, but holdings are very deep, with many journals running back more than a hundred years.
The New York Times Academic Pass provides each Drew student, faculty and staff member an online subscription to the site, including full access to and NYTimes mobile apps for any device, as well as their international editions.
A database of all the books and other items cataloged by OCLC member libraries. Click “borrow this item from another library” to request an item via Interlibrary Loan.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Click on "All content I have access to" after your search.
Very Short Introductions offer concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects. We subscribe to the Religion Collection only. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, new insights, and enthusiasm to make often challenging topics highly readable to develop your core knowledge.