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Research Guides

Subject Guide: Economics

Helpful resources for students in Economics

Finding Books

Look here for books, print journals, and reserves.

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service by which Drew students, faculty and staff can submit requests to borrow materials not held by the Drew Libraries.  Users can request journal articles, books and book chapters. 

  • To submit an ILL request, please go to the ILLiad login screen (first time users are required to fill out  a brief registration form).
  • Before submitting a request, please check the Drew Library Catalog for books or Journal List to be sure that the material is not available here. Ask a librarian for help if you're not sure.
  • You may also submit an ILL request directly through Worldcat and many of our other electronic databases. Look for the link that says “Request an Interlibrary Loan” under Find it @Drew.
  • ILL can usually obtain items without a fee, but Overdue and Late Pickup fines are in effect.

Note: Books may take up to 2 weeks to arrive. Articles may arrive more quickly (sometimes the same day!) but please allow at least 5 business days for arrival. Average turnaround time for articles is 2.4 days; for books, 8 days) 

Use  Worldcat to search for books at other libraries across the U.S.  Items that Drew Library owns will appear with a green highlight.


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